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Item Description


Organic Unrefined Cold-pressed Virgin Coconut Oil

  • consistent product - flavor and color basically the same from batch to batch
  • white as a solid, clear, or yellowish as a liquid
  • solid at temperatures below 76 degrees (F), and liquid above this temperature
  • aromatic coconut flavor and scent
  • high in lauric and capric acids
  • more antioxidants than expeller pressed coconut oil
  • certified organic
  • no hydrogenation or trans fats

Virgin coconut oil, the most fragrant and coconutty of all the coconut oils we offer, is mechanically pressed from dried coconuts. Dehydrating the coconuts intensifies their flavor, and this concentrated taste comes through in the resulting oil. 

Imagine an apple, for example. You can eat it fresh, and it tastes like, well, an apple. But dry it first, and the taste becomes almost like candy; heightened and sweet with more flavor than the fresh apple.

It’s the same with coconut oil that’s made from dried coconut. The taste is rich and coconutty. 

Shelf Life

This Virgin Coconut Oil has a 'Best If Used By' date of 24 months after the date it was produced. This is not a safety date, It is the date that Tropical Traditions recommends for best flavor and quality of the oil. However, once the Best If Used By Date is past, your coconut oil is still good for months and often years.

How Virgin Coconut Oil Is Made

There are currently two main processes of manufacturing Virgin Coconut Oil:

1. Quick drying of fresh coconut meat which is then used to press out the oil. Using this method, the coconut meat is quick dried, and the oil is then pressed out via mechanical means. This is the most common type of 'Virgin' or 'Extra Virgin' (see below) coconut oil sold in the market today that you will find in stores. It is mass-produced. (This is how the Green Label Virgin Coconut Oil is made.)

2. Wet-milling. With this method the oil is extracted from fresh coconut meat without drying first. 'Coconut milk' is expressed first by pressing. The oil is then further separated from the water. Methods which can be used to separate the oil from the water include boiling, fermentation, refrigeration, enzymes and mechanical centrifuge. (This is how the Gold Label Virgin Coconut Oil is made.)

Virgin Coconut Oil

One of the main healthy components of coconut oil is lauric acid, in fact, coconut oil is about 50% lauric acid. Lauric acid is a medium chain fatty acid that protects us from lipid coated viruses such as HIV, herpes, influenza, various pathogenic bacteria including heliobacter pylori (the bacteria responsible for stomach ulcers), and other harmful organisms. Lauric acid is abundant in human breast milk and coconut products, and butter contains some too, but it is almost nonexistant in any other food. Coconut oil fights candida, supports the thyroid, and some say it can boost metabolism, which is why some people are able to loose weight by adding coconut oil to their diet.

The other reason coconut oil is so good for you is this: unsaturated oils will become rancid within hours of cooking, even in the refrigerator. Since coconut oil is a saturated fat, it is stable at higher temperatures than unsaturated oils and will not become rancid when you heat it.  

What's the difference between virgin and expeller pressed coconut oil?

There are two main differences between Tropical Traditions' Gold Label Organic Virgin Coconut Oil and their other oils, Green Label Organic Virgin Coconut Oil and expeller pressed organic coconut oil. Because the Gold Label oil is processed the least, it is the healthiest of the three.

The first difference is flavor:  Both the Green Label and the Gold Label virgin coconut oils have a delicate, sweet coconut flavor and aroma, whereas the expeller pressed coconut oil has a fairly bland flavor and scent.

The second is the method of production:  The Gold Label virgin coconut oil is made by hand, using the traditional Pilipino method called wet milling. In this process, the coconut milk is allowed to separate naturally, much like un-homogenized milk will separate from the cream. The heavy coconut water sinks to the bottom while the lighter coconut solids float to the top. And in between the two layers is the delicate coconut oil. The oil is heated slightly, and then filtered. The result is a clear coconut oil that retains a higher level of antioxidants and other nutrients than the other coconut oils we offer.  

While the Green Label virgin coconut oil is still a virgin oil, it is processed by machine and has slightly fewer antioxidants than the gold label coconut oil.

Here are some of the ways our family uses virgin coconut oil:

Coconut oil is wonderful as a skin moisturizer. Recently, while we were dealing with the flu, I mixed the antiviral essentil oils, rosemary, lavender, peppermint, sage, and oregano with about a quarter cup of virgin coconut oil in a jar. We keep it near the stove, where it stays liquid most of the time and rub it on our hands (and feet if we're sick) throughout the day. 

We use it for cooking and baking of all kinds, especially when a delicate coconut flavor is wanted. Expeller pressed coconut oil is cheaper and pretty flavorless, so we tend to favor this for cooking.

Because of its high lauric acid content, coconut oil protects us from certain viruses, bacteria, and other nasties, so we are careful to increase our intake of virgin coconut oil during the cold and flu season. It's especially nice in special treats like High Fat Coconut Energy Bars and Peppermint Patties

Is coconut oil a liquid or solid?

Coconut oil is a white solid at temperatures below 76 degrees (F) and a clear liquid at 76 degrees (F) or above.
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