Bartlett Pears
If you’d like us to let you know when we start taking orders for Bartlett pears, sign up for our emails.
As is the case with the other fruits we buy, our pears come from growers who are careful to use the least amount of chemicals possible (IPM).Depending on the year, these pears might come from New York, Pennsylvania or Michigan.
Bartlett pears are a late summer fruit, generally picked in early September. They are sweet, very juicy, and a pleasure to eat fresh, dehydrate, or can. They are available through our co-op in bulk boxes; sometimes half bushels, sometimes full bushels.
Unlike most other fruits, pears are best when picked green (unripe) and allowed to ripen off the tree. Otherwise they become mealy. Our pears are picked mature, but green, so you can store them under refrigeration and ripen them when you’re ready to can them or eat ’em fresh.
The maximum length of time you can keep Bartlett pears in the refrigerator is about 3 – 4 weeks. The cooler the fridge, the longer they’ll keep. When you’re ready to use your pears, allow about 3 or 4 days for them to ripen at room temperature.
To get some of these delicious pears, you’ll need to pre-order with us. Get on our email list and we’ll let you know when the next pear order begins.